Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Colorful cobweb transformations...

Sometimes I make something ans wear it for a while, and then when I get bored and the color looks washed out, I over-dye it in a new color to give it a second life as something else.

In this video I show you the technique that I use to bind the cobweb pattern into the green dress, and than I show you how I transform the dress from green to berry colors.

I hope that you enjoy it?

If you are looking for more detailed information about dyeing your own fabrics, you might enjoy my online course at this link...

Because fabric is expensive and it is disappointing when things do not turn out the way you hope they will, it is better to start with the right information before you launch into your first projects.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

"Melanie, I don't know where to start!"

"Melanie, I don't know where to start!"

This little video will help you to get started with working out your product pricing in a sensible way.

And if you really want to get into it, you might also enjoy my online course at this link...

Spend $25 today so that you can make hundreds and thousands of $ more in the future.

Thank you for being a Patron of my arts!

Would you like to join my online school?

This little video explains what it costs and what you get for your money.

To those of you who already support me in this way...


I appreciate it so much.

Friday, April 12, 2019

How do I work out how much to charge for my time?

Do you know how to work out how much you should be charging for your time?

This little video clip will give you some ideas where to start.

If you really want to work out your product pricing taking everything into account, you will find my online course at this link...

Sign up for this course today, and get your product pricing to sustainable levels for survival in tough financial times.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Use printing with found objects to teach kids maths

Here are some ideas about how you can use printing with found objects to make maths interesting and interactive for small kids and teachers alike.

Have you ever tried anything like this to teach mathematical concepts?

Pricing products - why undercutting does not work.

Do YOU have challenges working out what you should be charging for your products?

I made a little video to explain why under-cutting the pricing of competitors is never a good idea.

If you want to properly understand what you should be charging for your products for long term sustainability, sign up for my online course at this link...

Start to understand how your pricing needs to be structured to meet your month end needs.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Rescue your sad old tea towels with a fresh coat of color

Do you have a stack of old tea towels that could benefit from a fresh coat of color?

This little video has some tips for you so that you know what to expect from the process.

If you are looking for more detailed information about dyeing and printing your fabrics, you will find interactive online courses at this link...

Because you will get better results if you start with the right information.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Sunrise Tie Dye

Would you like to learn how to tie dye a sunrise?

This little video shows you in a nutshell.

If you want more detailed information about dyeing your fabrics, you will find my online course at this link...

Because fabric is costly if you make mistakes I arm you with the right information to get great results from the start.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Tip for keeping stains off your hands when dyeing fabrics

If you are planning on doing a lot of tie dyeing, here is a tip for keeping your hands clean and satin free.

If you would like to learn how to tie dye a heart into your fabric, you will find my FREE online course at this link...

Tie dye is a great way to re-invent and up-cycle stained fabrics. Make a heart for somebody that you care about.